Where can you Contact/Message to Sanghiy Enterprises

You can Message us on

Phone : 9841373184, 9813038828

Viber 9841373184

Whats App 9841373184

Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/sanghiyenterprises

Website : https://sanghiyenterprises.com.np/

Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/sanghiybooksenterprises/


Delivery Time

It may depend upon your location within Kathmandu city the nearer your location is your delivery will be arriving on same day "Orders placed before 10am" and the farther your location is can vary up to 3-5 Days

Delivery Charges may vary upon your location.


Where are our Stores


  • Hanumandhoka, Kathmandu (Warehouse and Online)
  • Baluwatar, Kathmandu, opposite of Russian Embassy on Cafe Soma (Physical Store)


  • Jhamsikhel, Lalitpur on Cafe Soma (Physical Store)


Exchange Policy/Refund Policy

Please Verify/Inspect the goods thoroughly and check for Damaged / Defective condition within same time of delivery given to you.
If found Damaged or in Defective condition, Please return the purchased item within same time of delivery given to you.
For all purchases made through internet banking, Credit cards and Gift cards we will process the refund through the respective payment gateways. The status of the refund will be reflecting in your bank account within 7 working days from the date of refund initiation.